Hi, and welcome to GOETT (pronounced “get”) FOCUSED! I’m Cathy Goett, and I want to help you find awesome qualities and unique strengths so you can stop struggling with your ADHD.
You might be like me, a wife, a mother, a grandmother, a friend, and have lived with the chaos of ADHD because I love someone that is diagnosed with ADHD. For me, it was family members who were diagnosed in elementary school and has struggled all their life. For so many years I watched as they struggled with school, friendships, even daily life but didn’t know how to offer help.
In my search for answers and resources, I discovered the profession of ADHD life coaching and knew with its focus on enhancing and tapping into a person’s strengths and positive qualities that this was the answer. Now I’m a certified ADHD life coach having graduated from the International ADHD Coach Training Center (IACTCenter). I specialize in ADHD life coaching and work with people of all ages wanting to succeed with their ADHD.
I retired from my initial career as a librarian eight years ago. I live with my husband of 42 years in the Oklahoma City area and have been blessed to be the mother of five, two with ADHD, and the lucky Grammie of three boys. When I’m not with my family, I’m volunteering at INTEGRIS Hospital or kicking it up line dancing with friends. I’m here to help you GOETT FOCUSED!